Friday 25 September 2009

Research on School Magazines

I have looked on google to find different front covers of school magazines.

This is a very typical school magazine. It seems to be a very simple cover with one block colour of blue, minimal text and very few pictures. It clearly states the name of the school and the year the magazine was produced in and a big picture of the schools logo. The pictures include the front of the school building and pupils at the school. This is a very plain cover as it has hardly any information about what the articles the magazine includes and has little text or pictures which I do not like as it leaves lots of blank spaces. I do like how the background cover is a very bright and clear colour so it would be very eye catching against other magazines.

The next magazine has a very different style to the first one. The title of the magazine is not the schools name but 'High Profile'. There is a medium shot of a girl smiling wearing a helmet which shows she is obviously doing some sort of sporting or climbing activity which would be part of the schools program. This gives the reader an idea of what the magazine articles are based on. It seems to be less formal than the first magazine as there is a sub title saying 'All Aboard' but also shows more information about what will be included in the magazine. I do like the layout the cover is set out with the text and image.

These next two magazines are from the same school. Both magazines have a different theme and this could show that the magazine has a new theme for articles weekly/monthly. It has used the same layout for each magazine but a different sub-heading. It shows a medium close up of a student which suggests the main article is based on an interview with them talking about their favourtie subjects (sport and art). I like that the picture has taken up the whole cover and that is very colourful and bright. I also like how it has the same set heading for each magazine. The name for this magazine is 'FFH' which may be the initails for the school the magazine is published from.

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