Monday 28 September 2009

Text Layout

This is a magazine aimed at my target audience.
On this magazine, I like the layout of the text and picture. The big medium shot of Cheryl Cole is placed in the middle of the page and shows that she is the main article of this magazine and with a big text saying 'CELEB EXCLUSIVES' which is eye-catching and informative. For my magazine cover I am going to take the approach of putting text under the texts but still show the face of the model. The heading is very big and bold with a block colour of purple which is bright and stands out and when the title goes over the purple background the 'M' is white. This gives it and edgy and quirky look for the target auidence which is for teenage girls. I also like that on the other side of the main article is other articles that will be shown in the magazine so the reader knows what they will be reading. Also instead of purple I will use a block colour like blue or red to make the cover stand out.

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