Monday 12 October 2009


I have chosen this picture as the cover picture out of the selection of three that were on my previous blog for my magazine. I have chosen it because it looks bright, colourful and fun to read. It gives a quirky and fun appeal to my sixth form audience with Kirsty's thumbs up and natural person and also Kirsty wearng a Christmas hat which immediatly shows the theme of the magazine. People who the magazine is aimed at already know Kirsty and by using this picture it shows her as how people will percieve her; a fun and happy girl!

As the original picture is not a medium shot, I will have to edit it to make so it will be. By using Paint Shop Pro, I have used the Crop and Apply tool so the shot is mostly of her head and shoulders. Her face would then stand out more for the cover. Kirsty is quite off centre to the right so that on the left I will be able to right headings and articles for the magazine avoiding putting the writing over her face. I can also place the title of the magazine in the space above her head, top left.

I will not be editing the picture to black and white bacause I want the cover to be quite bright and eye catching and I think in doing so; black and white will make it look quite dull and bland.

1 comment:

  1. Is there a reason for the choice of dress? Are you going to circulate your magazine at a specific time of year? What kind of mood are you trying to create and how does that link to your target audience?
